The 2019–20 corona-virus pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of corona-virus (COVID-19), which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona-virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The outbreak was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December 2019. WHO declared the outbreak for Public Health Emergency on 30 January 2020 which is International Concern. The WHO later recognized the outbreak as a pandemic on 11 March. over all Pandemic record till 30 March 2020 is more than 721,000 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in over 190 countries and territories, resulting in approximately 33,900 deaths and More than 151,000 people have since recovered.
Patient Zero
According to Chinese media the patient zero has been discovered , patient zero means , a very fist discovered case of any diseases , in medical terminology it is called as index case which means a very first documented patient, which doesn't means it is very first infected patient but it is a very first patient include within epidemiological study, in most of the cases the patient zero has to be identified in case of communicable disease to understand the chain and cause, but some time for non-communicable disease it also given to very first identified patient.
so now the very first case of covid-19 has been identified , in early days it could be discovered by epidemiological study but nowadays it is also possible bia genetics analysis which could trace back the path of virus, in this case the report is based on epidemiological study, which is achieved by contact tracing , work is done at ground level, a servery has to be made, peoples are interviewed to find very chain or say very first victim ,
so now the very first case of covid-19 has been identified , in early days it could be discovered by epidemiological study but nowadays it is also possible bia genetics analysis which could trace back the path of virus, in this case the report is based on epidemiological study, which is achieved by contact tracing , work is done at ground level, a servery has to be made, peoples are interviewed to find very chain or say very first victim ,
Why we need to identify the patient zero
It is a very important data to be collected to identify the cause of any thing misshaping so that such disaster could be avoid or save lifestyle/ mankind, so the process goes through identifying those peoples who answered some crucial questions like how when and why it started, and what were the physical conditions , so there are a very crucial questions to generate a report about pandemic.
Index patient of Covid-19 pandamic
according to the report of wall street journal based on government documents access by chines media a Wei Guixian ,57 year old women, a shrimp seller in china's wohan city was the originating point of corona pandemic, chines government has not declared her as a patient zero but WSJ are claiming on the basis of documents
the report is like ,on 10 December 2019 Wei Guixian was selling shrimps in "Huanan seafood market " when developed a cold,
The Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, also known as the Huanan Seafood Market, was a live animal and seafood market in Jianghan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China. The market gained media attention after being identified as a possible point of origin of the 2019–20 corona-virus pandemic.
it is believing that she had the common flu, so she went to a local clinic for treatment where she was given an injection. however, wei continued to feel weak so a day later she visited another reputed hospital "Eleventh Hospital" in Wuhan, on 16 December she visited one of the biggest medical facilities in the region "Wuhan Union Hospital" where she was told that her sickness was due to ruthless virus (some different kind of virus) and after some time she was isolated, as the time passes some of her neighbor vendors also start visiting the hospital then the doctors start realizing that it is a kind of epidemic and start isolating the patient
Now after a long treatment she is fully recovered in January
Wuhan municipal Health commission has also confirmed that Wei Was the one of the first 27 corona positive patients. and most of them were from that seafood market. but the chinese government is continually imposing the cause on american solders and they are just victims, but the almost countries are assuming that it was originated from that wet market.
what is wet Market
The market have stalls selling meats, poultry and fish , as well as more exotic fare, including live reptiles and wild game that some in China prize as delicacies
- According to a report by the Wuhan city's center for disease control, sanitation was dismal, with poor ventilation and garbage piled on wet floor.
- in the pursuit to discover the origin of SARS_Cov-2 , samples from the markte's animals were also taken between 1 and 12 January.
- chinese center for disease control and prevention revealed that the virus was found in 33 out of 585 of environmental samples taken
- the Wuhan " live market" has been closed indefinitely following the corona-virus outbreak
How did the virus infect humans?
corona virus have the ability to cross species boundaries and apapt to new hosts
there are millions of corona virus but they didn't affect the humans, there is only 5 corona virus which affect the human and all have cross species boundaries to effect over humans,
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it is being assumed that the source of covid-19 is bat, which already/naturally have many of corona virus but they didn't affect them and hence they didn't fall sick
it is generally agreed that bats are the origin, and transfer the corona virus either to paneling or snake as an intermediate host which is as yet unconfirmed and then to the humans and human to human
zoonosis: it is the way when any virus jumps from animal to human i.e cross species boundaries
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